3-Steps To Somatic Healing

Healing is beyond the surface, yet we're so scared to go there so we wind up (never going there) and end up never actually living...
Somatic Healing offers you another way – a new way.

1. BREATH (Video Training)

The breath is a powerful tool for regulating the nervous system and accessing the body's innate healing capacities. Conscious and intentional breathing techniques help calm the nervous system, increase oxygenation, and promote relaxation. By learning how to breathe and see the breath as a healing modality, this will help support the release of trauma and stagnant emotions, allowing for greater embodiment and emotional regulation.

2. SOUND (Video Training)

Did you know each person's voice carries a unique vibration? Your own voice can heal the deepest imprints of trauma in your body. In Somatic Healing, sound vibrations have a profound impact on the body and nervous system and can be used to regulate and soothe the nervous system, helping release tension and restore balance. Through the intentional use of somatic sound, somatic healing harnesses the power of sound to access and release stored trauma and emotions, promoting healing and integration.

3. MOVEMENT (Video Training)

Movement is a key component of somatic healing as it engages the body and supports the release of stuck energy and emotions. Think of movement as moving energy. Mindful and intentional movement practices help individuals reconnect with their bodies, increase body awareness, and facilitate the discharge of stored trauma. Through movement, somatic healing allows for the expression and release of emotions, promoting a sense of freedom and integration.

Why Somatic Healing?

Somatic healing is a body-centered approach that focuses on embodiment. Your life will only be as deep as you've very and -- the more you feel, the more you heal -- and feeling doesn't have to be scary.

Somatic healing recognizes that the body holds imprints of past experiences, including trauma, and somatic healing addresses the root causes of emotional, psychological and physical distress that lead us to dysregulation and dis-ease in the body.

Somatic healing releases trauma from the body so you're releasing trauma as soon as your first experience. It goes beyond the mind and integrates mind, body and Spirit which brings you into wholeness. No parts get left behind.

By engaging the body's wisdom and regulating the nervous system, somatic healing allows for a holistic approach to healing by: Addressing the Body's Wisdom, Healing at a Root Level, Trauma Release and Regulation, Holistic Integration, Embodiment and Empowerment, , Sustainable and Life-long Results.

"The More You Feel, The More You Heal." –– and feeling doesn't have to be scary.

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