💌 New Offering: Piloting 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐂𝐘𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏 🔥 (1 of 2)


You're Invited!

July 15th, 2024


Piloting LEGACYWomen through The ARM Collective™

A "short" story about my life and the past few years. . . (let's be real; "I'm" a writer and this'll probably be long. We shall see.)

As we get ready to launch our new–integrated platform, I am reflecting on my journey and honoring how far I've come.

I found myself in tears because, I slowed down long enough to see more clearly. I wrote down everything that came to mind from the past 5-years, to the last 3, to the past year, to the past quarter, to the past month down to the past 24-hours.

And, at times, it takes years and (a whole 'lotta tears) to see that you did make the 'right' decision back then; and, most times, when we feel like we haven't gotten anywhere -- or -- somewhere fast enough, it's because we hadn't slowed down long enough to honor ourselves in the process.

That has been me: being my biggest cheerleader (okay, now I am) and my absolute worst nightmare.

Yet, I've had this vision since I was a little girl and once I took the leap, I knew I wasn't turning back and it has been one honest journey. . .

And although we can always do more. . . a year ago, I made a commitment to myself to be more true to myself and those around me. I started to see a whole 'lot fall apart right in front me and a whole 'lot come together– stronger now more than ever.

Putting yourself out there with something that only you can see is deeply vulnerable. . . and, I've been "great" at hiding until I realized, I didn't want to hide anymore. I know you know the feeling– in your own way.

And, I've fought with it for years yet, I always came back to this: do I see this for myself in the future? will I, Brittany, do it later? then do everything I can to move towards it now.

This doesn't mean push or force; it's the complete opposite. It's trusting in yourself-- trusting in your Knowing.

This month, specifically, is deeply tender for me; between a new country, new partnerships, a new platform, new team; AMIS officially being in Barnes & Noble as of next month; featured in two magazines this year; it being 5-years since (I'll share more below). . . and; a lot of letting go and welcoming....

I can share a whole 'lot more yet, it comes down to one thing: honesty.

What is it that you want to experience in this lifetime? Create, live, etc.. . . and being really honest with the part of yourself that 'doesn't' let you... (ps-- this looks very different for every single person so my prayer is that you trust in your Knowing)

Today, I can say and stand tall in. . . trusting in my Knowing.


In 2019, I left everything I knew: the 6-figure job, the beautiful relationship, the 5-bedroom country-home hugged by Nature and the mountains. . . the life I knew for–– for what?–– I didn't know at the time. What I did know though is, the life I was living wasn't it for me. It didn't feel like it was mine.

Fast forward,

The past three years, specifically, I've gotten to create, experience and share spaces with some really incredible Souls whether in another country, on stages, barefoot in the jungle, sitting around a fire. . . . life is different now, for it feels like it's mine. This is my life.

My heart continues to break open and I meet myself there, differently now.

I've gone quite deeeep into and onto my journey and, continue to daily. And, it's important that what I come with is true, full and felt through my presence and my work. I can't bring myself to doing or creating anything that isn't that. I continuously ask myself daily: "Is future Brittany doing this?" Because I Am future Brittany. The only difference is between now and then; so, only a yes ^ will allow the timelines to merge more quickly (aka quantum leap) no matter how challenging it may be to own that no – and stand by it with all of me.

What has supported me the most in this process alongside building this incredible legacy and being the witness of bringing my vision to life is: spiritual guidance, somatic (trauma) healing and energetics; because, God only knows what I was attempting to hide or avoid along the way that had kept me at a limit– in a shell– although I was eager to stretch from and out of– so I can take my fullest shape.

Along the way, deep shame... fear... guilt... anger... has shown up in ways that have activated and touched the deepest (most painful and vulnerable) parts of myself; for me to now be able to come with my own shape and stand powerfully in it.

And then, there's you.

As we're now two weeks into the second half of the year, I want to know and work with the legacy-builders– the visionariesthe lightworkers. . .

As we add global teachers from across the world and all walks of life: between corporate to the jungle and everything-in-between, I am piloting our signature experience with 12-women.

Those who know they are here to leave their mark – a legacy – on the world in one way, shape (your own shape) or form, I want to know you. I want to support you. I want to build with you.

Last year, I stopped taking on 1:1 clients (long-term) to focus inward and get even more clear on my vision. So, it goes like this:

• 12 - women

• We meet LIVE in my Zoom room for 6-weeks (2-hours)

• Spiritual, somatic and energetically led. This means, we get clear on your vision, connect clearly to your channel and move any energy or stuckness that's keeping you from allowing the world to experience it (and you). This means, shame stories and old conditioning that can no longer hold the template of what you are and here to create.

Private Support Dashboard for Q & A in between calls

FULL ACCESS: you will receive full access to our community, network, resources and processes for 6-months following the experience (plus-- templates, i.e. media kits for speaking engagements, proposals, disclaimers, etc.) This also holds a space where you can connect with the community, share your offerings, create/co-create, build, pray, play. . . TEDx talk? Partnerships? Collaborations? I'll hold you to it.

BONUS: You will receive one 1:1 session with me within 90-days upon graduation

BONUS: A guest will be joining us (during the 6-weeks so 7-calls in total) that will support you even more deeply with frameworks, structure, direction, etc. in addition to all the techy stuff. (I will offer you support in this space, too, as I've built many sites, apps, memberships, coding, etc.) however, it's important that we get laser-focused on what you're here to give birth to and I am to hold you to that.

• Recordings/replays available

The investment is $997.00 USD (yep) with payment plans available. It's important that I make this very accessible as alchemizing the pulse of the planet is my personal mission. As much as I/we will be supporting you, you will be supporting thousands of others that will be nourished by this new portal – and I thank you in advance.

My only ask is upon graduation, that you leave an honest testimonial and share your work– show up.

We start on Thursday, August 1st @ 7PM EST.

Questions? Hit 'reply' or schedule a call with me and we'll drop in.

In the meantime, there are 12-spots available. I will not be doing this live again.

If you see yourself at the leading edge of consciousness, I'm calling you forward. Feel welcomed to share this with anyone that crosses your mind when reading this and call her forward.

I'm excited for this. I love you.

That big vision you have–– you can hold it–– and, you've been ready. Let's do it.

Thank you for being here.

I love you.

With Love & Deep Gratitude,

Brittany & The ARM Team 💫

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Thank you for being part of the ARM community. You are so deeply loved and appreciated. If you have any questions or suggestions, please hit reply to this email. We are currently working on our most soulful project yet and would love to hear from you as to how we can best support you on your path. I love you. We love you.

111 Broadway, New York, New York 10006
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An ARM's Reach, LLC

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