💌 July 8th, 2024 • Surrender. Sight. andddd. . . Quantum Leaping 😏


This Week's Love Note


Enjoy today's Love Note.
July 8th, 2024


This week, I've decided to do something a little different and share the RUMI card pulled for July and some inquiries alongside The ARMS Method™ workbook with you. :)

God is always working on your behalf.

For the month of July, Merciful Mother Jamal, is with us– guiding us deeper into trust, surrender and f l o w.

#44. There is a shift taking place now in a matter of great importance to you – from Jalal to Jamal, from justice to mercy. This is your path, your destiny, and your blessing, now opening up before you. It may be a particular matter; however, it likely includes your entire life orientation. You are being granted refuge, respite, and shelter from the storms of struggle and double, and being given a divine sanctuary of safe harbour. You shall find that the unraveling of the struggle and pain now happens through tenderness, a gentler approach.

"Having to tough and play hardball in the past has serves its purpose, yet this oracle comes to you with guidance to become softer in your way and your attitude."

Step 4 in The ARMS Method™ is Surrender

My invitation for you is: to see where in your life can you invite in more trust versus control.

When we control, it is because we do not trust–– and, although there is nothing wrong with wanting to know an outcome, the energy of needing to know how something turns out is often what keeps us from it; it creates resistance. You are to put the what out there-- and the how is in God's hands all while being open for Spirit to guide you... to hold you.. to s h o w you.

Surrender is the representation of the trust that you have in God's plan > your own.

And, this month, we are being invited to surrender.

Use the scale below to see where you stand in your relationship with surrendering (with or without something specific in mind, and; use the workbook! it's here to support you)–– and see how you can lean more towards trust. (this is practice)

Trust––[the space between]––Control

In this workbook, you will find 4-steps to quantum leaping. This has been a core foundation of my work and. . . I'm excited to share it with you in this way! :) It has officially been featured and shared with over 60-million people all over the world and... it excites me knowing that the scariest moment(s) of my life have led me. . . here. . .to now share The ARMS Method™ with you.

Please feel welcomed to hit 'reply' and share how it lands for you, supports you and what u n r a v e l s along the way.

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In the world of ARM, we're in the process of building our newly integrated platform. This week, I will share some meditations, breathwork, rituals and frameworks from the portal for you to try on.

Thank you for being here–– I love you! And. . . as always, a channeled message because. . . Spirit. 😏

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Channeled Message

Nothing is wrong for wrong is nothing; right--wrong--is perception and, on this path, the body's eyes can look yet they cannot see for the Soul sees and sees through the seen into the unseen and everything-in-between. And as your heart opens, your sight opens; as your sight opens, your heart open. And ahhh, how beautiful it all gets to be unraveling and melting away the walls, the ice, the armor that keep us separate–– from ourselves and each other-- for the gates around that big beautiful burning heart no longer needs to be closed in and guarded for it has the power to heal the world-- not hurt it. For you, sweet love, are opening more. Of course!–– no wonder you are feeling more; ahh, for nothing is wrong for wrong is nothing and you are everything.

My prayer is that you Trust in your Knowing. You trust in your path. You trust.

Endless blessings to you, Reader.

I love you.

Count down to 2024-07-18T00:00:00.000Z


With Love & Devotion,

Brittany & The ARM Team 💫


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Thank you for being part of this community. You are so deeply loved and appreciated. If you have any questions or suggestions, please hit reply to this email. Hit 'reply' even to say hi! We love hearing from you. Also, we are working on our most soulful project yet and would love to hear from you as to how we can best support you on your path. I love you. We love you.

1:1 Sessions with Brittany

111 Broadway, New York, New York 10006
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An ARM's Reach, LLC

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