💌 Monday Love Note : June 17th, 2024 • Love. Evolution. Open.


Monday's Love Note

Enjoy today's Love Note.
June 17, 2024


Below, you will find :
1. The Lover And The Beloved: Today's Oracle with RUMI
Including A Free-Writing Inquiry
2. ACIM: You See The Flesh Or Recognize The Spirit.
3. Daily Devotional, Word of The Day: Hermeticism
4. Channeled Message by me :) & Prayer
5. I love you.

God is always working on your behalf.
Love. Evolution. Open.


1. 35. The Lover And The Beloved: "There is Divine encouragement in taking risks that feel wild and alive to your heart."

Something has to change in your physical world. You are in need of more sustenance, more love, more connection, and more nourishment that touches your body and Soul, and brings them into deeper oneness with each other, with life, with love. Dare you open up and allow that love in? The Great Beloved has desired that this be so. Will you heed that Holy desire? Will you allow love in? Say yes!
Gratitude for our Soul Brother, RUMI.

Free-Writing Inquiry:

  • “What am I a YES for in this life?”
  • “What does my YES feel like?”
  • “What do I currently do (or can do) that is similar to this YES feeling?"
  • “What can I do to invite/bring more of this feeling of YES into my life?” (with full permission to be nourished by it)

There is something requesting your attention now... May you connect with the space between and... listen. May you....

Trust in your knowing. May you Trust in your path. - BM

2. ACIM: "You see the flesh or recognize The Spirit."

²There is no compromise between the two. ³If one is real the other must be false, for what is real denies its opposite. ⁴There is no choice in vision but this one. ⁵What you decide in this determines all you see and think is real and hold as true. ⁶On this one choice does all your world depend, for here have you established what you are, as flesh or spirit in your own belief. ⁷If you choose flesh, you never will escape the body as your own reality, for you have chosen that you want it so. ⁸But choose the spirit, and all Heaven bends to touch your eyes and bless your holy sight, that you may see the world of flesh no more except to heal and comfort and to bless. – T-31.VI.1:1-8

3. Devotional Text of The Day : Hermeticism

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." - The Kybalion

It's the spaces between. The pause. That makes the song– the song...

It's the witnessing of the left... the right.. and being right here.

It's the depths of love.
The depths of pain.
Both, oh so beautiful.
The anger, the bliss. The shame, the joy. The excruciating pain---- of a broken heart and the echoes of a yearning one. Opening. Closing. Opening.... Closing... Opening... Opening... Opening.......

Posting a video on my Instagram tomorrow adventuring into the full range of emotions and why it's necessary for our evolution. (suffering is not a prerequisite to happiness; however, to live a full life, you must feel fully...)

** And, May you remember: whatever it is that you're moving through will pass...as it always does. What you're feeling is exactly right and my prayer is that you allow this love letter to hold you...

My prayer is that you allow this moment to initiate you-- your steps, your thoughts, your heart.

4. Channeled Message: Grieving is necessary for your evolution.

As you move forward and toward a new path– that is calling out to you– May you let it call your name and May you listen;
May you allow yourself to receive what is awaiting you and allow this golden door to glisten.
May you open yourself to the fullness of life calling out to you now.
No need to know what to do, when to do it, or how.
For you will be guided the moment you take a step...
For those who walk in the fire don't get burned or left.
They become lit up and the path before them does, too;
Allow this to be your own personal Truth.. the sacred path... you're walking into.

5. My prayer is that you trust in your Knowing; for Spirit will never let you down...

Endless blessings to you.

I love you.

PS - the beautiful song I've been listening to as I wrote this in tears of joy and feltness; May it nourish your being.

Uma mão cheia do todo
Mariana Root
Spotify Logo


The ARM Team and I have an exciting announcement and.... with so many new faces, we're going to bring the community together and drop into a heart coherence this week. I would love to see you there this week-- please RSVP below.

(I thank you to those who have responded to the poll and replying; it means everything to hear from you... and to journey with you in this way)

I love you, each of you, so deeply... thank you for being here... each and every single step... ♥️


With Love & Deep Gratitude,

Brittany & The ARM Team 💫

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Thank you for being part of this community. You are so deeply loved and appreciated. If you have any questions or suggestions, please hit reply to this email. We are currently working on our most soulful project yet and would love to hear from you as to how we can best support you on your path. I love you. We love you.

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