πŸ’Œ Monday Love Note : June 24th, 2024 β€’ Detox. Rest. Feel.


– Monday's Love Note –


Enjoy today's Love Note.
June 24, 2024


Below, you will find :
​1. Blessings of Zahra: Today's Oracle with RUMI
Including A Free-Writing Inquiry​
2. ACIM: The circle of fear.
3. Daily Devotional, Word of The Day: Stoism
Including An Invitation For Deeper Exploration: Story To Senses + Head to Heartwork​
4. Channeled Message by me :) & Prayer
5. I love you.

God is always working on your behalf.
Detox. Rest. Feel.


1. 39. Blessings of Zahra: "Your Soul needs better quality food. It has been detoxing."

You are being given an opportunity supported by life, by the Earth, by the Grace of The Divine Beloved, to shed toxins from your being. These may be physical and they may equally be of emotional, psychic or psychological origin. They may come from this or another lifetime. You may understand consciously what is being released or you may not. If you are sensitive you may feel symptoms of detoxification at a physical level, even if what you are releasing is emotional or psychological in nature.
Gratitude for our Soul Brother, RUMI.

Free-Writing Inquiry:

  • β€œHow can I let go of what needs letting go of with Love and Grace? With Trust and Surrender?...What's it all for?"

To help support with this, you can do a self-distancing practice by saying, Reader feels.... Reader can let go by.... what would support Reader best during this time is....

+ Offer yourself a 5-minute hug. Hold yourself and let yourself know that you are always held. Remind yourself that you are always taken care of even if you believe you fall short at times– we all do.

May you connect with this deeper, yearning part of yourself and May you...

Trust in your knowing. May you Trust in your path. - BM

2. ACIM: "The circle of fear lies just below the level the body sees, nd seems to be the whole foundation on which the world is based."

The body will remain guilt’s messenger, and will act as it directs as long as you believe that guilt is real. Β²For the reality of guilt is the illusion that seems to make it heavy and opaque, impenetrable, and a real foundation for the ego’s thought system. Β³Its thinness and transparency are not apparent until you see the light behind it. ⁴And then you see it as a fragile veil before the light. – T-18.IX.5:1-4

3. Devotional Text of The Day : Stoicism

"Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions –– not outside." – Marcus Aurelius

I used to wake up with my heart racing... not realizing I was racing... from one thing to the next thing to the next thing... until I got tired of the race...

Going from 10+ years in Healthcare to now being in the healing space -- "differently" -- one thing that continues to stand out to me is : story.

I love story-telling; and in my own personal opinion, it is the ultimate bridge and transmission from one heart to another. (being mindful of healthy relating versus trauma-bonding which is a slippery slope πŸ™Š)

An invitation: Story To Senses

Head energy: when you are in your head, there is a story playing over and over and over, again.

Heartwork: You can get back into your heart and body by connecting with the sense: i.e. "what am I feeling right now?" "anger." "where am I feeling it?": there's a heaviness, burning in my heartspace and throat.

Breathe into this space and imagine a vibrant golden light clearing this space on the inhale and exhaling any rust that may be stuck by inviting in breath, sound, movement. These are your anchors. Allow yourself to feel here.

Write about it. The self-distancing practice (above) is a powerful practice for witnessing. I love you and, I see you.

4. Channeled Message: Rest. So you can experience the rest...

What's arriving through Spirit into the physical needs time and space to integrate– to drip through and be fully received by you.
Rest is a requirement for this process. Rest is productive. Rest is not to be avoided at this time.
Rest does not mean sleeping- it also means unplugging from your phone so you can consciously plug into Source; laying down and connecting to your breath; going into Nature. Allowing Spirit to walk with you and work through you so the work itself can be done by you.
Rest, so you can experience the rest.

5. My prayer is that you allow yourself the space to integrate and feel more deeply; to Trust in your Knowing.

Endless blessings to you.

I love you.


With Love & Deep Gratitude,

Brittany & The ARM Team πŸ’«


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